Why meaning, and why in a Circle?
You may have heard of Meaning Circles, one of MeaningSphere’s flagship offerings. Circles are small-group guided experiences in self-reflection on topics related to the world of work. In this piece, Circle Coordinator Dale Walker describes the influence of Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and shares how Circles can offer the space and opportunity for self-reflection and growth.
Viktor Frankl wrote extensively on the fundamental need we have as humans to seek and find meaning in our lives. Other animals may have the ability to communicate, he wrote, but it is only humans who ask “why?” about so many things. In the years since Frankl’s time, research in the field of counseling psychology has gone on to demonstrate that beyond simply being a fundamental need, meaning-seeking is also a learned behavior. In essence, meaning-seeking is a mental “muscle” that can be stretched and trained during the course of our lives.
The research has also shown that this meaning-seeking behavior begins and ends with self-reflection. Now, “self-reflection” may seem at first glance like an activity that can only be completed solo. However, the truth is that the search for meaning does not need to be a lonely journey. Rather, it is a journey we can embark on with other people who are in search of meaning too; companions who can support and guide us and who would benefit from our guidance and support. But where might you find such companions?
One place where you can find other people on their own meaning-seeking journey is in a Meaning Circle. For 60 minutes, you can press pause on your busy day, join a small group of people, and reflect on what is meaningful to you in your working life, guided by an experienced host. You can listen deeply to others and be heard non-judgmentally as you express your own thoughts about what’s meaningful to you. Not only might you hear something that could be helpful in your own search for meaning, but by sharing your own thoughts you will be stretching the muscle of self-reflection.
Dale Walker is a Circle Coordinator at MeaningSphere. Click here to view upcoming Circles in the new year.